Monday, February 1, 2016


John 1:9-13                            (ESV)
"9 The true LIGHT, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world.
10 HE was in the world, and the world was made through HIM, yet the world did not know HIM.
11 HE came to HIS own, and HIS own people did not receive HIM.
12 But to all who did receive HIM, who believed in his name, "HE GAVE THE RIGHT" to become children of GOD,
13 who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of GOD."

While driving back to my home from a relatives house in another state, I was pondering and meditating where GOD would lead me in my study of HIS WORD over the next few days.  The phrase that seemed to be on my heart was "it is a privilege to be a part of the family of GOD".  When I got home I looked up that phrase and was directed to John 1:12.  Just a few minutes prior I had watched an endorsement of a presidential candidate where the man making the endorsement said our nation not only was founded on Judaeo-Christian principles, he gave a certain scripture (Acts 17:26-28) for a reference.

As I began to read how it was a privilege to be a child of GOD, my mind couldn't help but remember the Declaration of Independence and the words that say: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are CREATED equal, that they are endowed by their CREATOR with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness....."  The Declaration of Independence of the United States is pretty plain about where the founders of the United States gave us our "rights".  All of the "spinsters" can give their "opinion" of where our rights originate, but the words "CREATED" by their "CREATOR" doesn't allow room for denial that GOD was, AND STILL IS, the Originator of those "rights"!.

GOD "gave" us the RIGHT to become HIS children, but we must choose to be a child of HIS!  The privilege of being a child of GOD cannot be described with language of men.  It would be a privilege and an honor to be the child of a wealthy, honorable, and wise father who always makes the right decision on your behalf.  GOD does just that!  HE always has our best interest in MIND, even when the evidence is not being seen by the human eye!  GOD doesn't have the ability to make mistakes.  Just because our ways may be different than HIS ways doesn't mean HIS ways are imperfect!  HE doesn't need to satisfy my questions to display HIS omniscience, for who am I (2 Samuel 7:18).

"This world" does not, and did not, recognize GOD or JESUS, even though HE was physically in their presence for over 33 years!  GOD IN FLESH walked among mankind for 1/3 of a century yet they nailed HIM to a tree trying to rid this world of the LIGHT!  While it is a privilege to be known as a child of GOD, this world sacrificed HIM on Calvary, so we shouldn't think we will receive a red-carpet celebration when we acknowledge HIM as LORD OF ALL!  My desire is to have so much JESUS' DNA in me that this world separate itself from me also!

We've all heard it said that with rights comes responsibilities. GOD gives us the RIGHT to become HIS children, but with that rights comes the responsibility of following HIS direction in our lives.  If we don't follow man's law we have to pay the penalty.  GOD saw that mankind was unable to follow HIS law, so HE sent HIS only SON to pay our penalty for our unholiness.  "HE GAVE THE RIGHT" to the whole world to be a child of HIS.  But only we who choose to believe in the Invisible GOD will be saved from HIS judgment!

Being a part of the family of GOD indeed is an honor and privilege.   But "HE GAVE THE RIGHT" to me, not because I am someone special, but because HE is a merciful and loving GOD!

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