Saturday, January 30, 2016


Deuteronomy 29:29                              (ESV)
""The secret things belong to the LORD our GOD, but the "THINGS THAT ARE REVEALED" belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law."

There are some people who have a distinct ability to do certain things that others simply can't seem to accomplish.  For instance, some can sing with near heavenly tones, and seemingly effortlessly.  Others have the ability to never meet a stranger.  Still others can be blessed with making tremendous wealth.  The one thing we must remember is that all good things come from above!

GOD distributes different "gifts" to those HE knows will use them for HIS Glory.  There are those who are gifted that use their gifts for their own glory.  Recently a sentence came to me writing a devotional one day.  It said "How sad to know there are some that will not "LISTEN TO ME" because they are too busy with their own agenda to download instructions from HEAVEN".

When we are NEEDING direction, a wise thing to do is find someone whose gifts are hearing from GOD, AND GIVING HIM GLORY, and to FOLLOW THEIR LEAD as they move closer to the LORD.  The ones who display an arrogant, self-centered attitude and are interested in worldly gain, would NOT be one to follow.  Seeing a person who has seen "THINGS THAT ARE REVEALED" would certainly be a place for us to begin to follow HIM.  If we follow a leader who isn't connected to divine leadership in their own lives, we are setting ourselves up for disaster!

When you see "THINGS THAT ARE REVEALED", only then can you know you are connected to Divinity.  GOD has HIS hand on some people, but HE also allows HIS chosen to be taken captive sometimes (2 Kings 17)!  It is a crucial time for the church to get on our faces before a HOLY GOD and pray that we choose a leader who is connected to the the THRONE ROOM and seeing "THINGS THAT ARE REVEALED" and not just what they THINK can make us prosperous!

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