Wednesday, January 18, 2017


Genesis 3:1a                   (ESV)
"Now the serpent (enemy) was "MORE CRAFTY" (other translations use the words subtle, cunning, clever and crude) than any other beast of the field that the LORD GOD had made........"

As humans, we get in so many ruts that become habits in our lives.  Formerly I used to read the newspaper when I first got out of bed everyday.   It seemed "I had to" see who was married, buried, in trouble, or whatever else would fill in the blank.   The negativity in the newspaper became so evident that I began only reading the obituaries every day.   Soon that turned into ever few days.   And it wasn't long before I had ceased reading other people's opinions, referred to as news by some, completely!

"This world", and it's ruler, has no interest in me becoming more like CHRIST's example for my life.  Social media can be the biggest example.  The HOLY BIBLE and JESUS CHRIST are extremely offensive to "this world", so much so that they tried to silence HIM when HE came to earth over two thousand years ago by crucifying HIM.  The ruts we allow ourselves to become trapped in are nothing more than the great deceiver trying to get us "blinded" to the TRUTH and living in our own little make-believe world.  But 2 Corinthians 4:4 says "In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of CHRIST, WHO is the image of GOD."

If the enemy can deceive people into believing a lie when the TRUTH is right in front of their eyes, then he MUST be the most crafty, subtle, cunning, clever and crude than any creature the LORD GOD has ever made!  Have you ever had your eyes opened to a TRUTH in an "ah hah" moment?  At the Judgement Seat the "ah hah" moment will be replaced with "weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth" when the masses find out that they have been "blinded" to the TRUTH and it is now too late for them!

Can you see TRUTH before your eyes?  Is the glory of CHRIST, WHO is the image of GOD, able to be seen by you?  Or are you blinded?!?!  The enemy is "MORE CRAFTY" than we give him credit for most of the time.  PLEASE make sure he doesn't fool you!!

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