Monday, January 30, 2017


Psalms 118:8-9                  (ESV)
"8 It is better to take "REFUGE IN THE LORD" than to trust in man.
9 It is better to take "REFUGE IN THE LORD" than to trust in princes."

Watching people, whether they are Believers or not, elevate any person beyond that which GOD called them to be is dangerous for them, AND for you.  Supporting President Donald Trump is something I do because I am an American, not because I agree with him on every issue.   He is going to make mistakes, as all of us do.  One thing I try NOT to do is to act as though anyone, especially politicians, are without error.  That would be setting them up for failure.  

1 Peter 2:17 says "Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear GOD. Honor the emperor."  Notice scripture states we should honor the emperor, but before that scripture states we should fear GOD!  When we take our eyes off of GOD and place them upon mankind we are saying that GOD is secondary to to them.  That should not be something are guilty of.  

When we praise any man before GOD we run the risk of getting our attention misplaced.  GOD, and GOD alone, should be the center of our lives and we should reflect that in our speech and actions.  While we should pray and support our leaders, in our church and government, keeping GOD on the thrones of our lives needs to be our main goal.  If we are more vocal about a preacher, politician, or any other "man", we are celebrating the created instead of the Creator!

Our hope can only lie in the ONE WHO is DIVINE in HIS DNA, not in a flawed human!  There is no way we can adequately give enough praise to HIM for HIS guidance and direction in our lives.  To say "It is better to take "REFUGE IN THE LORD" than to trust in man" is not just a suggestion, it is a recipe for a successful life.

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