Friday, January 13, 2017


2 Corinthians 5:7                (KJV)
"7 (For we "WALK BY FAITH", not by sight:)"

On July 08, 2007, when I put my head down on my pillow, do you think I was prepared to wake up the next morning with a brain hemorrhage?  In October of the same year, do you think a dear friend of mine, when he left for an afternoon bicycle ride, ever imagined that he was taking his last ride?  There is another friend who is currently battling dementia in a nursing facility in their early 50's.  Can you imagine preparing in your late 40's to go through such a terrible journey?

The ways of GOD are so much higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9) that we cannot begin to understand IN OUR FLESH!  The brain hemorrhage I experienced in 2007 was totally and completely unplanned.  But GOD knew before the foundation of the world that I would, not only survive the hemorrhage, but HE would bless me beyond measure and that I would serve HIM faithfully, yet imperfectly!

To "WALK BY FAITH" is not for the weak of heart, nor faint of Spirit!  No, I'm not worthy in man's eyes to have my health restored like it has been.  GOD has revealed to me part of HIS Plan for my remaining years here on earth, but HE hasn't revealed how HE plans to accomplish HIS Plan?  It is my desire to be found "WALKING BY FAITH" when my life is examined by history.  To "WALK BY FAITH" is to totally and completely trust in GOD to perform HIS Plan on HIS Timing!!!

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