Monday, September 11, 2017


Ephesians 6:12                 (ESV)
"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the "SPIRITUAL FORCES OF EVIL" in the heavenly places."

Today is a day that I will remember for as long as I live!   September 11, 2001 was beginning to be an "picture perfect" day, but I wasn't prepared for how it would "develop" into a nightmare of epic proportions.  The references to film developing is because in the old days you had to watch slowly as film was developed to see what had been captured by a camera.  

Watching the jet airliners crash into the World Trade Towers on television was a brutal reminder of the battle between good and evil that is basically behind every act that is carried out.   That's right, it is a Spiritual battle that we had better be sure that we are on the right side of.  When we lose sight of who the enemy REALLY IS, we fail to recognize who is driving the evil agenda.   

Nothing happens without ALMIGHTY GOD allowing it to, and September 11, 2001 was no exception, and neither is September 11, 2017.  The United States of America, with arguably the most potent military force in history, was brought to its knees by 19 Muslim terrorists armed with nothing more than box cutters and a willingness to die for what they believed in.   

Sixteen years later, do we even now recognize who our enemy is??  It's not the residents of a country, or a sect of people, rather the same one that has been doing battle with "good" since GOD expelled him from Heaven.  We MUST recognize and remember that our enemy is "SPIRITUAL FORCES OF EVIL", an enemy that has been defeated already!   

GOD has a Plan!  How many times have you seen me write that?  Satan has tried to interfere with that Plan from "the beginning", but GOD always works everything for HIS good!  When the enemy is rearing his ugly head, GOD is ever present waiting to be Glorified!  Will we recognize the "SPIRITUAL FORCES OF EVIL" at work attempting to alter GOD's Perfect Plan???

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