Friday, March 2, 2018


Jeremiah 18:3-6                          (KJV)
Then I went down to the potter's house, and, behold, he wrought a work on the wheels.
And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter: so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it.
Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying,
O house of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? saith the LORD. Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are ye in mine hand, O house of Israel.”

Recently the words to an old hymn have been on my mind.  “HAVE THINE OWN WAY LORD” was reportedly first published in 1907.  Written by Adelaide A. Pollard (1862-1934) in Iowa.  The song was written after a prayer was enunciated by an elderly woman at a prayer meeting in 1902, but was based off of Jeremiah 18:3-6. 

Verse six of Jeremiah eighteen is the one that I cannot get out of my mind!  “Cannot I do with you as this potter? saith the LORD. Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are ye in MINE hand.” GOD continually has to break me and “mold me” after HIS Will.  The thing I am continuously fighting in my life is “while I am WAITING YIELDED AND STILL”!!!!

Why is so difficult for us to WAIT ON THE LORD?  Perhaps if we would submit to ALLOWING HIM to “break us”, we wouldn’t have a problem WAITING ON HIM?!?  Being broken by our Master is something that we have to accomplish with our children, our pets, and in our own lives!  If we continue to submit to sin, it must be our Master?  On the other hand, if we submit to the true MASTER, we must be a child of the KING!!  

GOD IN HEAVEN, “HAVE THINE OWN WAY”with my life and use me for YOUR Glory!!!

Have Thine own way Lord
Have Thine own way
Thou art the potter I am the clay
Mold me and make me after Thy will
While I am waiting yielded and still

Have Thine own way Lord
Have Thine own way
Search me and try me Master today
Whiter than snow Lord wash me just now
As in Thy presence humbly I bow

Have Thine own way Lord
Have Thine own way
Hold over my being absolute sway
Filled with Thy spirit till all can see

Christ only always living in me

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