Tuesday, March 6, 2018


Hebrews 11:1 and 11:6                               (ESV)
“Now FAITH is the assurance of THINGS HOPED FOR, the conviction of things NOT SEEN.”

“And “WITHOUT FAITH” IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to please HIM, for whoever would draw near to GOD must believe that HE exists and that HE rewards those who seek HIM.

How many of us actually believe that GOD is GOD and will do what HE needs to to accomplish HIS Will?  Oh, we “say” we do, and we try to act like we do!  But how many of us live it with our actions, not just our words?  Our lifestyle is the only “stage” that matters.  The signs and signals we give, especially when we are under pressure, are the best indicators of where our FAITH lies!

The eleventh chapter of Hebrews is known by some as “Hall of FAITH”!  There are many saints who are mentioned in these verses, all of them with a testimony of how GOD came through for them, in HIS timing.  From Abel to Abraham, to David, all the way to “the Author and Perfecter” of our FAITH, JESUS....., GOD has continually established HIS LORDSHIP over ALL creation, and humans continually refuse to TRUST HIM as GOD!  

A “sinner” is one who refuses to TRUST GOD.  Doing “evil” is just a byproduct of NOT Believing in GOD.  Even when I am writing this devotional I “think” some words would be more effective or appropriate, but GOD troubles my Spirit to place what HE directs me to use on the sheet!  The Apostle Paul states in 1 Timothy 1:15 “The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that CHRIST JESUS came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost.”  To me, Paul’s statement is debatable, because I feel it should have my name there as the foremost!  

Yet, when ALMIGHTY GOD looks at me, HE “SEES” HIS sacrifice, JESUS CHRIST, simply because I trust in HIS work performed on earth and Calvary.  “WITHOUT FAITH”, it is IMPOSSIBLE to please, or satisfy, GOD!  Why then do I want “be god” and do what it is that I think is best?  Letting ourselves live “WITHOUT FAITH” is akin to putting an outboard motor on a rudderless ship!  We can get there IN A HURRY, but we have NO CONTROL over where it is we are going?  The only way we can avoid disaster, is to make sure we are not living “WITHOUT FAITH”!!!

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