Wednesday, March 28, 2018


Matthew 16:21-23                        (ESV)
“21 From that time JESUS began to show HIS disciples that HE must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised.
22 And Peter took HIM aside and began to rebuke HIM , saying, "Far be it from YOU, LORD! This shall never happen to YOU."
23 But HE turned and said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to ME. For you are not setting your mind on “THE THINGS OF GOD”, but on the things of man." 

Did you ever think that there always seems to be a catastrophe to keep the “news media” and their minions in a frenzy instead of just being still and knowing that HE is GOD???  Of course, the enemy is behind this, but someone is allowing themselves to be used by him.  

Peter was known to be one of the most zealous supporters of JESUS.  When JESUS told HIS disciples that HE was going to be killed, and on the third day risen from the dead, Peter “rebuked” HIM.  Peter had the audacity to tell GOD IN THE FLESH that HE didn’t know what HE was talking about!  Obviously Peter didn’t know what “he was talking about”, as GOD”s Redemption Plan for mankind REQUIRED a Perfect Sacrifice, and the only Qualifying Candidate was JESUS!!!

The enemy was/is more deceitful “than any other beast of the field that the LORD GOD had made.” (Genesis 3:1).  Peter was I match for his lies.  We Believers have been blessed to have the HOLY SPIRIT living inside of us, and we STILL DON’T recognize satan when he shows his ugliness in our midst!  But I’m convinced that we don’t recognize satan quickly because we don’t have a close enough relationship with his rival, JESUS CHRIST!  And we don’t get closer to JESUS by watching television or playing with our electronic devices!  

When we set our minds on “THE THINGS OF GOD”, our Spirit knows when something doesn’t bear witness with us.  Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not as close to HIM as I need to be.  But I pray that I am used to identify the enemy when he is opposing “THE THINGS OF GOD”, and I will expose him to all!!!

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