Monday, March 12, 2018


Romans 12:1-2                             (ESV)
“1 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of GOD, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to GOD, which is your spiritual worship.
2 Do not be CONFORMED to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, THAT BY TESTING you may discern what is “THE WILL OF GOD”, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

A few years ago, surgery was performed on me to improve my breathing when I was sleeping.   My “Upper Airway” was made larger, but the Doctor said my nose had been broken at least three times in the past and I needed to “have a nose job” to enable me to breathe properly.  Basically, they had to BREAK my nose and place several screws in it, AND THEN RESET it to open my airway so my breathing would be less encumbered.   

When GOD wants to perform a work in our lives, HE has to change our hearts by BREAKING our own will and convincing us to surrender to HIS Will!   From personal experience, I have found out that when I “am broken”, I am much more receptive to having my CREATED put me back for what HE created me to be.  Trying to operate outside of what GOD’s Plan for our lives brings discontentment and turmoil.  Only by living put HIS purpose for our lives can we experience HIS PEACE that only HE gives!  

“THE WILL OF GOD” is not some method that we desire it to be, nor are our ways HIS Ways (Isaiah 55:8-9)!  During a recent Bible Study I read a statement that will not let me go, “GOD, however, never invited me to be a co-GOD with HIM.”  We are only “tools” to be used by HIM for HIS purpose. “THE WILL OF GOD” is “submitting” to HIS Plan for our lives and accepting that we are Created to Glorify HIM, not to be live our lives as comfortably as possible!  Living for CHRIST “requires” dying to self (Romans 6-8) and our own will.  “THE WILL OF GOD”, therefore, should take over leadership in our lives when we recognize our inability to live for HIM on our own.  

Like the surgery that re-opened my airway, our Spirit can be opened to “THE WILL OF GOD”, but our “will” has to die before HE will move in and be in control.  Being able to breathe with no obstruction is a wonderful thing that cannot be described.  Surrendering to “THE WILL OF GOD” is just as liberating, only more so.  Our SPIRITS were created in HIS likeness (Genesis 1:27), yet we are required to crucify our own “wills” before we can yield to “THE WILL OF GOD”!  It’s as simple as that!!!

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