Tuesday, April 3, 2018


Exodus 14:14                                 (ESV)
“The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to “BE SILENT”." 

It is getting difficult to keep up with the number of times that GOD uses this particular verse to guide and direct my life.  To me, there is amazement that GOD uses the same scripture to speak to a wretched man who HE has scraped from the bottom of humanity, yet because of HIS amazing grace, HE speaks to me!!!

When we SLOW DOWN and really consider HIS mercy and goodness, we have to SEE that the same SPIRIT that spoke these worlds into existence is the SAME SPIRIT WHO desires to fight our battles for us!  And my biggest problem is that I cannot “BE SILENT” long enough to allow HIM TO BE GOD!  It seems I always have to offer up my opinion of how I think things should be going, instead of listening to HIM guiding and directing me?!?

When we boil it down to the basics, I’m really not placing my FAITH in GOD if I don’t allow HIM to LEAD me!  I am supposed to be a follower of CHRIST, but my actions don’t reflect that as much as they should.  If HE is LEADING me where I  prefer not to go, does that make it okay for me to yield to my desire?  When JESUS was headed to Calvary HE prayed in Luke 22:42-43 “FATHER, if YOU are willing, remove this cup from ME. Nevertheless, not MY will, but YOURS, be done."  And there appeared to HIM an angel from heaven, strengthening HIM.”

Is my FAITH strong enough to trust that GOD will send an angel from heaven to strengthen me?  Sure, JESUS had to endure the cross, but HE overcame death, hell, and the grave also!  Working to overcome my will so I can let HIS WILL be done is my desire.   The first step for me is to “BE SILENT” and let HIM direct my life!!!

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