Thursday, April 26, 2018


Micah 4:10                                     (ESV)
“Writhe and groan, O daughter of Zion, like a woman in labor, for now you shall go out from the city and dwell in the open country; you shall go to Babylon. There “YOU SHALL BE RESCUED”; there THE LORD WILL REDEEM YOU from the hand of your enemies.”

There is a place where I have gone when the weight of the world is bearing down on me, where I can lay “prostrate” (figuratively speaking) before the LORD and literally beg for HIS direction in my life.  The word “prostrate” is defined as a “verb (used with object), prostrated, prostrating. 1. to cast (oneself) face down on the ground in humility, submission, or adoration. 2. to lay flat, as on the ground.” by one dictionary.  Recently I had to go to this place to receive my marching orders on how I should proceed.  GOD has never failed to lead me when I get to this position, maybe because I have always been at a crucial point in my life AND I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO?!?  There are some who like to say “GOD will never put more on you than you can stand”, but ask the children of Israel about that in Exodus 14???  HE allows us to be placed in these situations so we will admit that HE IS OUR ONLY HOPE!!!

When I arrived at the place, I was looking for specific answers to handle a need that had manifested itself in my life.  But GOD didn’t choose to directly answer the need, only “YOU SHALL BE RESCUED”!   The book of Micah isn’t a heavily read portion of the Bible for me, so I was amazed that GOD seemed to be guiding me there.  While reading chapter four, nothing seemed to be “taking hold”.........until I read verse ten!!  “Writhe and groan” seemed to be exactly where I was, and when the second part said “There “YOU SHALL BE RESCUED” I KNEW GOD was speaking to me!  

Why I am shocked that GOD caused me to go back to the same physical place HE had spoken to me before doesn’t surprise me in the least!  To have GOD speak through HIS WORD is expected!  And to have GOD choose what this mortal  thought would be a lesser passage is sometimes how GOD seems to operate, especially with me!  But the assurance that HE gave me when I saw “YOU SHALL BE RESCUED” brings a PEACE that is immeasurable.  To know that THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSES desires to speak to a lowly servant of HIS says more about this GOD I serve than anything HE can give me!  HE LOVES ME THAT MUCH!!!

Don’t think GOD has abandoned you and WRITHE AND GROAN about a situation you find yourself in!  HE may have you in a position that “YOU SHALL BE RESCUED” by HIM, for HIS Glory!?!  

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