Tuesday, April 24, 2018


Hebrews 11:6                                 (ESV)
“And WITHOUT FAITH IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO PLEASE HIM, for whoever would draw near to GOD “MUST BELIEVE” that HE exists and that HE rewards those who seek HIM.”

It is astounding to me that some of Scriptures seem to speak to me one day in a certain manner, and then the next time I read the same passage, it ministers to me completely differently?!?  Maybe that is what is meant by the words of Hebrews 4:12 that says “For the word of GOD is “LIVING AND ACTIVE”, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”  The focal passage of Hebrews 6:11 is one of the verses that I have always lumped into being a “FAITH” verse, but this morning I SEE it as a verse that assures me that the Sovereign GOD of the Universe IS IN CONTROL of everything happening.   We just have to admit to, and surrender to, HIS Omnipotence and mercy.   

Now I don’t pretend to have a corner on hearing from ALMIGHTY GOD, but as I walk more closely to HIM, I am learning to recognize HIS VOICE and “follow” HIS direction.  Following HIM with no reservations may require us to build an ark when it has NEVER rained?  It may require us to sit on the banks of the Red Sea until HE decides to provide us a way across? If we could “KNOW” the outcome of trusting GOD, most of us would certainly carry out our lives with a different mindset, but we “MUST BELIEVE” that HE exists and that HE rewards those who seek HIM.  

I’m afraid we have allowed the word “FAITH” to become hijacked to mean something other than what we “MUST BELIEVE” to enter Heaven?  Far too often we limit our admission of what words actually MEAN to that which we THINK they are saying?  Our FAITH doesn’t entail which church denomination we are attending!  Our FAITH in GOD should mean that we KNOW (MUST BELIEVE) that HE is in CONTROL of everything, even the things we SEE as bad in our earthly eyes.  Instead, we want to question how a good GOD could ever allow bad things to happen to us?  Why would a good GOD allow us to be led into the wilderness and become entrapped on the edge of the Red Sea?  Exodus 14:4 says “And I will harden Pharaoh's heart, and he will pursue them, and I WILL GET GLORY over Pharaoh and all his host,....”!  Isn’t getting HIM Glory supposed to be what we are all trying to do???

KNOWING that HE is in TOTAL CONTROL and is working ALL THINGS (Romans 8:28) for HIS good is something that we who “MUST BELIEVE” should have no problem with???  But like the children of Israel, we are a people who want everything to work out for our good, NOT so HE can receive Glory.  HIS goodness to me has been proven to me time and time again through health concerns, financial concerns, family concerns, and on and on.  The options for me are dwindling!  I “MUST BELIEVE” that HE is GOD, and I am NOT, and HE deserves my allegiance and admiration.  

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