Tuesday, September 4, 2018


Isaiah 30:8-11                    (ESV)
“8 And now, go, write it before them on a tablet and inscribe it in a book, that it may be for the time to come as a witness forever. 
10 who say to the seers, "Do not see," and to the prophets, "DO NOT PROPHESY TO US WHAT US RIGHT; SPEAK UNTO US SMOOTH THINGS, PROPHESY ILLUSIONS, 
11 leave the way, turn aside from the path, let us hear no more about the “HOLY ONE” of Israel."  

There are times that we are so intent on hearing what we want to hear that we cannot hear the VOICE OF GOD speaking to us.  GOD’s instructions are seldom easy to accept by humanity, for HIS Spirit is generally opposed to our humanity.  Galatians 5:17 says “For the desires of the flesh are against the SPIRIT, and the desires of the SPIRIT are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do.”  

The children of Israel, eerily similar to The United States of America, were becoming so worldly that they wanted to hear no more about the “HOLY ONE”!  Not only has It become unpopular to openly discuss GOD or HIS precepts, it has been ruled by some courts to be illegal to proclaim the WORD OF GOD in a public setting.  "DO NOT PROPHESY TO US WHAT US RIGHT; SPEAK UNTO US SMOOTH THINGS,” could be coming off of a modern news telecast or blog.  There seems to be tolerance for everything behavior EXCEPT Godly behavior!  

The LIGHT (John 8:12))is reflecting in fewer and fewer people and “this world” is quickly becoming darker by the day.  Apparently folks don’t want to be like the “HOLY ONE” any longer.  One definition of HOLY is to “set apart”.  Since JESUS is the “HOLY ONE” and we are to emulate HIM, we should not be surprised by having fewer and fewer who reflect HIS love and character.   But we need to strive to NOT be those who “are a REBELLIOUS people, LYING CHILDREN, children UNWILLING TO HEAR THE INSTRUCTION OF THE LORD;”.  We need to SLOW DOWN and LISTEN for HIS VOICE and follow HIS direction in our lives.

Writing many times previous about my grandfathers gardens, he would give a lot of his crops to friends and strangers.  In doing so, he would not send anyone to gather produce that would be given to others, rather he would go pick the best to give to the friends while his family would eat what remained.  Don’t be surprised when others appear to get the best of things here in “this world”!  We have the “HOLY ONE” living inside of us and we are family!  Having RELATIONSHIP with the “HOLY ONE”, our CREATOR, has its privileges!!!

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