Saturday, September 15, 2018


Galatians 3:23-29                               (ESV)
“23 Now BEFORE FAITH came, we were held captive under the law, imprisoned until the coming FAITH would be revealed.
24 So then, the law was our guardian UNTIL CHRIST CAME, in order that we might be justified by FAITH.
25 But now that FAITH has come, we are NO LONGER under a guardian,
27 For as many of you as were baptized into CHRIST have put on CHRIST.
28 There is neither JEW nor GREEK, there is neither SLAVE nor FREE, there is no MALE and FEMALE, for YOU ARE ALL ONE in CHRIST JESUS.
29 And if you are CHRIST’s, then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to promise.”

Trying not to be “politically incorrect” with anything I say or write, it becomes difficult to explain to those who eyes have not been opened and still cannot SEE TRUTH.  When JESUS came, our sin debt was satisfied with ALMIGHTY GOD and and those of us who Believe in the FINISHED work of JESUS live by FAITH that HE has ALL our sins covered.  Not because we are worthy, but because we have been CHOSEN by HIM!  

Understanding who we are “THROUGH FAITH” in JESUS CHRIST can be difficult to fully understand until we are “made perfect” in Glory.  While we are told YOU ARE ALL SONS OF GOD, remembering that when they enemy is attacking can be the last thing on your mind.  Our “natural man” wants us to revert to who we USED TO BE before we lived “THROUGH FAITH”, not Living in the grace and knowledge of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.  

If satan can obscure our vision getting us to look at someone else’s faults, when we need to only be concerned with our own faults, we aren’t “looking to JESUS, the Author and Perfecter of our FAITH....” (Hebrews 12:2)!  In CLASSIFYING our neighbors, whether by race, social or political status, or gender, we aren’t “looking to JESUS”, for HE overcame these divisions according to Galatians 3:28.  Governments may try to make us all “equal”, but only CHRIST can level the playing field of life!

Some people won’t be able to SEE the TRUTH that I’m writing about, for GOD hasn’t opened their eyes (Luke 24:31)!  Maybe being “politically incorrect” isn’t so bad after all?  Nevertheless, TRUTH is TRUTH and it must be proclaimed.  Until, and unless, we begin to live “THROUGH FAITH”, we cannot reap the rewards that JESUS gave HIS life to purchase for us.  HE paid the price, not because I am worth it, but so I can experience HIS grace “THROUGH FAITH!!!”  

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