Monday, September 10, 2018


John 15:16                             (ESV)
“You did not choose ME, but “I CHOSE YOU” and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the FATHER in MY name, HE may give it to you.”

There were only twelve individuals CHOSEN by JESUS to be a disciple.  One of them was Judas, the one who “sold out” his relationship to JESUS for money, and money that did not fulfill.  Only one, John, WASN’T martyred for believing that JESUS was the Son of GOD, and he was EXILED to the Isle of Patmos.  The other ten gave up their earthly lives because THEY KNEW that “this world” was temporal and eternity is VERY REAL, and that JESUS is GOD (John 10:30)!  

Why then, have modern day people envisioned a picture of being worldly successful, no health problems, and no other “setbacks” as GOD’s blessings?  Can you imagine a billboard of the ten martyrs in a recruitment for new disciples for JESUS rather than the disciples brutal deaths?  When ALMIGHTY GOD orchestrates a future, it becomes rather evident that nothing can interrupt that future.  Do you remember Moses leading the children of Israel?  Or King David slaying Goliath when he was yet a boy?  Or even JESUS being reserved as a redemptive sacrifice before “the foundations of the world”? But ALL of them, even GOD in the flesh, had to suffer as part of the fulfillment of GOD’s Plan for HIS life.  

There aren’t enough books to write the stories about the Miracles GOD continues to perform in our lives.  However, us being able to SEE GOD working in our midst sometimes requires an EYE EXAM!  Not knowing what our future holds is a part of “walking by FAITH”!  While we may not KNOW what tomorrow will bring, we can definitely know WHO holds the future.  The same ONE WHO said “I CHOSE YOU” to serve MY purpose for your lives is IN CHARGE of tomorrow and eternity.  Since HE is in Control, why should we be concerned with our future?  HE WHO spoke the world’s into existence and keeps the universes in orbit certainly has POWER to Control the outcome of our simple lives.  

To know that “I CHOSE YOU” did so even while we were yet sinners (Romans 5:8) demonstrates that HE is merciful and forgiving.  HE could have selected anyone to perform the tasks HE assigned to me, but “I CHOSE YOU” out of all creation to “suffer” (Acts 5:41-42) for HIM!  Don’t get discouraged about GOD’s Plan for your life as “I CHOSE YOU” to Glorify ME!!! 

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