Friday, October 19, 2018


2 Chronicles 20:5-9                                  (ESV)
“5 And Jehoshaphat stood in the assembly of Judah and Jerusalem, in the house of the LORD, before the new court,
6 and said, "O LORD, GOD of our fathers, ARE YOU NOT “GOD IN HEAVEN?” YOU rule over all the kingdoms of the nations. In YOUR hand are power and might, so that none is able to withstand YOU.
7 Did YOU not, our GOD, drive out the inhabitants of this land before YOUR people Israel, and give it forever to the descendants of Abraham YOUR friend?
8 And they have lived in it and have built for YOU in it a sanctuary for YOUR name, saying,
9 'IF DISASTER COMES UPON US, THE SWORD, JUDGMENT, OR PESTILENCE, OR FAMINE, WE WILL STAND before this house and before YOU-for YOUR name is in this house-and cry out to YOU in our affliction, and YOU will hear and save.'”

This is a message to ALL who support one political leader over another, who chose any other way of life over the way ALMIGHTY GOD has directed, and those who think that there is no god and HE is just an tired, old being WHO cannot keep up with “this world”.  HE IS STILL IN CONTROL!  GOD hasn’t lost any abilities to be patient with the wicked, and HE hasn’t lost the might to punish any that doubt HE exists!  

ALMIGHTY GOD never promised us a fancy automobile, a plush earthly house, a huge bank account, or an easy go of it.   As a matter of fact, life is short AND FULL OF TROUBLE is the theme of the book of Job!  JESUS said in John 16:33 “....In the world YOU WILL HAVE TRIBULATION. But take heart; I have overcome the world."   Hebrews 11:6 instructs is that WITHOUT FAITH in GOD it is IMPOSSIBLE to please HIM.  

Since we have a “GOD IN HEAVEN” that we always SHOULD trust in, why do we fret about anything in life?  Not being “in control” is the hardest thing that I had to learn, AND STILL AM LEARNING!  July 09, 2007 I awoke and could not even control the words that I was speaking!  The word “FRUSTRATING” doesn’t begin to describe the feeling I was experiencing.  Even though “DISASTER COMES UPON US, THE SWORD, JUDGMENT, OR PESTILENCE, OR FAMINE, WE WILL STAND”!  GOD made the Children of Israel WAIT on the banks of the Red Sea until the Egyptians caught up with them.  Then GOD got “GLORY over Pharaoh and he all his hosts”!!!  So we don’t need to fret when we are having to WAIT, GOD might be waiting for our enemies to catch up to us!

Accepting that GOD Created us, and our paths are directed by HIM, is the only way to please GOD.  We can place our trust in man and his devices, or we can TRUST that ALMIGHTY GOD is in control.  Trusting in my abilities and knowledge has gotten me into SEVERAL messes, some of them rather embarrassing!  My desire is to trust in the “GOD OF HEAVEN” and give HIM all the Glory for everything that happens in my life.   

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