Tuesday, October 16, 2018


Psalms 34:18-19                              (ESV)
19 MANY are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of “THEM ALL”.”

Seeing so many people who experience seemingly catastrophic events in their lives causes me to wonder how they get through these difficulties.  It seems that we sometimes have a tendency to magnify the pain of a BROKEN HEART or CRUSHED SPIRIT and almost allow GOD’s Blessings to go unnoticed.  Of course, we celebrate “monumental” blessings, such as weddings, births, and other occasions, but we MUST understand that ALMIGHTY GOD delivers us from our difficulties, from “THEM ALL”!

Looking at my own life, there are numerous times that HE had delivered me from “THEM ALL”, but delivering the one HE gave me to complete me is something that I am most grateful for.  In July 2007 I experienced the Brain Hemorrhage that slowed my life down, and TREMENDOUSLY!  In October 2007 a dear friend of mine was killed riding a bicycle.  My wife had to break the news to me the next morning.  In February 2008 my mom was diagnosed with cancer and died the same month.  In March 2008 my mother-in-law, the mold for my wife, died following surgery.  And all this time I was “brain damaged” from the Hemorrhage and was functioning at about half of what I needed to be for her!  The thing is, I didn’t even realize that I wasn’t 100%.  I thought that I was “okay-fine”!  GOD displayed to me (over time) that HE was the ONE in control, and no matter how much I WOULD LIKE TO HAVE HELPED, HE didn’t/ doesn’t need or require my assistance!  

My point is, GOD ALMIGHTY has a way of displaying HIS Omnipotence in a way that we can’t always SEE HIM, but HE is still there!  Being able to SEE HIM when we are BROKENHEARTED or our SPIRIT is CRUSHED cannot be accomplished by our physical eyes.  It requires SPIRITUAL EYESIGHT to be able to identify HIM and HIS Presence!  HE is everywhere, we just need to identify and Worship HIM.  

My mind has been on an interview with Dr. Charles Stanley published in 2011 where Dr. Stanley says GOD was speaking to him during a dark time in his life and said “you have to SEE it all as coming from ME”!  We (mainly I) become so emotionally attached to difficulties in our lives that we can allow them to take on their own identity.  If we SEE “THEM ALL” as coming from GOD, we can GROW from our “lessons” and may not have to experience the lesson again!  

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