Wednesday, October 10, 2018


Exodus 12:33-36                      (ESV)
“33 The Egyptians were “URGENT” with the people to send them out of the land in haste. For they said, "We shall all be dead."
34 So the people took their dough before it was leavened, their kneading bowls being bound up in their cloaks on their shoulders.
35 The people of Israel had also done as Moses told them, for they had asked the Egyptians for SILVER and GOLD JEWELRY and for clothing.
36 And THE LORD HAD GIVEN THE PEOPLE FAVOR in the sight of the Egyptians, so that THEY LET THEM HAVE WHAT THEY ASKED. Thus they plundered the Egyptians.”

In April 2017 I went to an “URGENT” Care Facility.  My reason for going was a suspected pulled muscle in my upper chest area and the Emergency Room at the hospital was swamped.  The “URGENT” Care Facility saw me in two minutes and had me admitted to a hospital within a couple of hours.  My suspected “pulled muscle” wound up being a blockage in a coronary artery and bypass surgery was performed to correct my problem.  Going to the “URGENT” Care Facility wound up being one of the smartest moves of my life!  

The Children of Israel were being “made” to leave Egyptian soil in an “URGENT” manner because “they said, "We shall all be dead".  GOD had SO caused their hearts to be grieved because of the firstborn son of every household being slaughtered that they WERE GIVING SILVER and GOLD JEWELRY, even letting them HAVE WHAT THEY ASKED!  When ALMIGHTY GOD is guiding your footsteps, and ultimately the footsteps of those opposing us, whether slow and methodically or “URGENTLY”, HIS Plan WILL BE FULFILLED!  

My bypass surgery was performed in Little Rock Arkansas.  Was that part of GOD’s Plan?  The results speak for themselves as I was TOTALLY released from the surgeons care at my THREE WEEK checkup!  No Cardio-Rehab, less blood pressure medication, feel great, and better Blood Pressure readings!  Trying to operate outside of GOD’s Plan will cause frustration and heartache.  Experiencing GOD’s PEACE through being in HIS Plan, even when things don’t come as rapidly as I prefer, is a JOY that is unexplainable.  

The thing that really excites me is that ALMIGHTY GOD isn’t through with me YET!  HE has displayed to me that just because I think everything is “URGENT” doesn’t make it “URGENT” in HIS Book!  It was “URGENT” for the Children of Israel leaving Egypt, but GOD changed the Egyptians hearts to accommodate the Exodus.  HE is allowing me to help others in a way that might seem insignificant to others, but doing what ALMIGHTY GOD leads me to do is anything but insignificant to me!  Following HIS Plan is exactly where I want to be, and whether it is “URGENT” or not makes me no difference, as long as I am used by HIM!!!

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