Wednesday, January 23, 2019


1 Samuel 3:10-11                                  (ESV)
“10 And the LORD came and stood, calling as at other times, "Samuel! Samuel!" And Samuel said, "Speak, for your servant hears."
11 Then the LORD said to Samuel, "Behold, I am about to do a thing in Israel at which the two ears of “EVERYONE WHO HEARS” it will tingle.”

Hearing a voice, and not knowing where it is coming from, can be a scary thing.  Samuel, still just a boy (1 Samuel 3:1), had heard GOD speak to him to him, but he wasn’t certain what/who it was.  His ears had yet been opened to HEAR from GOD.  Eli the Priest, his mentor (for his mother Hannah had given him to the LORD to be raised to serve GOD) instructed him to answer “Speak, for your servant hears”!  

In my opinion, being a boy wouldn’t be as difficult to follow directions from the LORD as being a teen.  A child’s FAITH is unquestioning.  As a teenager, began to develop a sense of self-worth that had to be overcome before I became part of “EVERYONE WHO HEARS”!  Pride had to be CRUSHED before ALMIGHTY GOD could get Glory from my life.  You don’t think a loving GOD will CRUSH the ones HE loves?  Try reading Isaiah 53, especially verse 10, and see what GOD does to HIS ONE and only SON!  

GOD doesn’t speak anything different because times have changed and we have become less HOLY.  HE still speaks, but are we apart of “EVERYONE WHO HEARS”?  HIS WORD still draws men to HIM, but are we willing to be changed by a Sovereign Being WHO loves us enough to sacrifice HIS SON for our salvation?  

At first, Samuel didn’t know WHO was calling him, but Eli did!  The Apostle Paul didn’t realize that JESUS was calling him on the road to Damascus either.   Acts 9:4-5 says “And falling to the ground, he (Saul) heard a voice saying to him, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?  And he said, "WHO ARE YOU, LORD?" And he said, "I am JESUS , WHOM you are persecuting.”  

FATHER IN HEAVEN, I pray that YOU will open the EYES and EARS of the ones who YOU are calling and share with them the GOOD NEWS that they too can be part of “EVERYONE WHO HEARS”!  Sometimes we have to be CRUSHED before that can happen, but YOU will make us better than we ever dreamed!!!

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