Wednesday, January 9, 2019


Hebrews 1:1-4                          (ESV)
“1 Long ago, at many times and in many ways, GOD spoke to our fathers by the prophets,
2 but in these last days HE has spoken to us BY “HIS SON”, whom HE appointed the heir of ALL THINGS, through WHOM also HE CREATED THE WORLD.
3 HE is the radiance of the glory of GOD and the exact imprint of HIS nature, and HE upholds the universe by the word of HIS power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the MAJESTY ON HIGH,
4 having become as much superior to angels as the name HE has inherited is more excellent than theirs.”

Why do I attempt to begin my day with anything other than hearing from my CREATOR concerning the directions for my life on that day?   Now don’t get me wrong, ALMIGHTY GOD has, and can still, speak to me through various means, but ultimately HE IS THE ONE WHO is causing, and benefiting from HIS speaking.  

A few years ago my wife and I were on the Gulf of Mexico vacationing for a few days.  I was literally feet from the water in a lounging chair on Sunday Morning when a small amount of guilt entered my mind about not being in church services.  Just then, a seagull flying over was made known to me and the verses in Luke 12:4-7 came to my mind. GOD was telling me that a “church house” could not contain HIM!  With HIM, ALL THINGS are possible (Matthew 19:26)!  We cannot allow preconceived ideas to enter into where GOD desires us to go in our lives.  

GOD unmistakably spoke to Moses at Mt. Horeb when he was alone in Exodus 3 tending the sheep of Jethro, his father-in-law.  Moses was on the west side of the wilderness away from any distractions and interruptions.  He couldn’t seek confirmation from anyone to verify that he was hearing from ALMIGHTY GOD, but undoubtedly he was speaking with GOD.

In Acts 9, GOD unmistakably spoke to Saul on the road to Damascus when he was on his way “...still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the LORD...” with an entourage of men.  In Acts 9:7 Scripture records “The men who were traveling with him stood speechless, hearing the voice but seeing no one.”  In Acts 9:16 GOD chose Saul (soon to be known as Paul) to “ him how much he must suffer for the sake of MY name."  

There are many avenues that GOD “could” still speak to us, but HE has chosen BY “HIS SON”, through WHOM HE CREATED THE WORLD, to guide the direction of our lives.  Whether I am alone on the backside of the wilderness, or on a road to Damascus with the “in crowd”, it is comforting to know that GOD is in Control.  Just like GOD used the seagull for HIS Glory that day, and just like with Moses and Paul, HE will guide me where HIS Plan is for me to be for the Glory of “HIS SON”!

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