Wednesday, January 16, 2019


Matthew 27:11-14                  (ESV)
“11 Now JESUS stood before the governor, and the governor asked HIM, "Are YOU the King of the Jews?" JESUS said, "You have said so."
12 But when HE was accused by the chief priests and elders, HE gave no answer.
13 Then Pilate said to HIM, "Do YOU not hear how many things they testify against YOU?"
14 But HE gave him no answer, not even to a single charge, so that the governor was greatly amazed.”

There is speculation that an owner of a sports  team will do something with one of the coaches of the teams he owns, and it is all because of the owners silence regarding the situation.   Regardless of what my opinion is of modern-day journalistic integrity, it is indicative of the status in “this world” today!  There isn’t a story..... as of YET, so we speculate on what the outcome will be.  

GOD IN THE FLESH (aka JESUS) gave “NO ANSWER” when HE was asked to prove HIS innocence before Pilate of the charges levied against HIM by the chief priests and elders of the tabernacle.  JESUS, the ONE that Created the heavens and the earth and everything within them, yet when HE could have opened the EYES of the chief priests, elders and Pilate and explained the deceit of the enemy chose to give no response to sacrifice HIMSELF for me!  Fulfilling the will of the FATHER was the most important thing HE could accomplish, not proving HIS innocence!

From time to time I feel led to give “NO ANSWER” to my adversaries, not because they are right, but because their EYES have yet to be opened to THE TRUTH.  When someone is “dead set” on their point of view, arguing usually doesn’t solve anything. Most of the time we are so set on proving our point of view to others that we lose sight of edifying JESUS, being used by HIM to draw people to HIM!  How could I be so selfish and self-centered?  

Just like the reporter who wants to get the story out and presumes what isn’t fact yet, we typically are so interested advancing our own agenda that we can’t SEE the damage that our point of view will have on others!  We would be better served to give “NO ANSWER” than to win an argument, or get our way in a conversation.  After all, our very salvation was bought when JESUS gave “NO ANSWER” to Pilate.  Sometimes “NO ANSWER” may prove to be GOD’s Plan for our lives???

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