Thursday, January 24, 2019


Psalms 77:11-12                (ESV)
“11 I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember YOUR wonders of old. 
12 I will PONDER all YOUR work, and MEDITATE on YOUR mighty deeds.”

As I “REFLECT” on the happenings surrounding our nation and world recently, and knowing that ALMIGHTY GOD is in control, it causes me to consider what HIS Plan is for the church and its constituents?  The Berean Study Bible translation offers this for Psalms 77:12, “I will “REFLECT” on all You have done and ponder Your mighty deeds”.  ALMIGHTY GOD isn’t surprised by the deviant actions of any church leaders,legislators, or the enemy!  HE IS GOD, and we cannot fathom HIS power nor majesty!  

Mount Horeb and Mount Sinai are twin peaks of the same mountain, at least according to John Calvin.  One article states “The Protestant reformer John Calvin took the view that Sinai and Horeb were the same mountain, with the eastern side of the mountain being called Sinai and the western side being called Horeb.  Abraham Ibn Ezra suggested that there was one mountain, "only it had two tops, which bore these different names".

Horeb is thought to mean glowing/heat, which seems to be a reference to the Sun, while Sinai may have derived from the name of Sin, the Sumerian deity of the Moon, and thus Sinai and Horeb would be the mountains of the moon and sun, respectively.””  

The moon (Sinai) has NO illuminating features by itself.  The Sun (Horeb) has always SHONE, except for the three hours when JESUS was on the cross (Mark 15:33).  

I am taking the long route on this discussion to inform you that humans, regardless of our opinions about how good we are, have NO ILLUMINATING properties within us!  Taking the John Calvin explanation of the twin mountains, unless we allow ALMIGHTY GOD to “REFLECT” HIS LIGHT through our mirror, we are rubbish.  We have no abilities to SHINE, only “REFLECT” what HE is shining through us.  

We ALL, myself included, need to PAUSE daily and allow ALMIGHTY GOD to clean our mirrors.  We can’t clean the mirrors by ourselves.  Only HE can wipe the filth and grime of our lives and replace it with HIS “REFLECT”ION!  The ONLY ANSWER for the problems facing our world yesterday, today, and tomorrow is for us to “REFLECT” JESUS more in our lives!!!

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