Friday, January 11, 2019


John 14:5-7                  (ESV)
“5 Thomas said to HIM, "LORD, we do not know where YOU are going. How can we know the way?"
6 JESUS said to him, "I am THE WAY, and “THE TRUTH”, and THE LIFE. No one comes to the FATHER except through ME.
7 If you had known me, you would have known MY FATHER also. From now on you do know HIM and have seen HIM."

It is very “interesting” that some people “LIKE” any post celebrating political views.  Others “LIKE” Spiritual matters.  Still other “LIKE” my family (mainly my granddaughters!!!) photos!  Most everyone is interested in SEEing “THE TRUTH”, only what they appreciate as being interesting?!?

The game called “political charades” is being played quite affectively on the American people by the majority of our elected officials who have very little or no interest in protecting “we the people”, only in making themselves look like “the only option” to the patient diagnosed with a terminal disease with very little time left to save our life!  And because we are blinded by fear of sickness and death, we get so tunnel-visioned on what the experts say is the only chance for survival that we will not SEE that our real problem lies in our diets, what fuel we are placing into our bodies.  We allow our minds to be sold lies that are dressed in half-truths and cannot SEE that the TRUTH, the only cure for all illness, is described in John 14:6 when JESUS says “....I AM THE WAY, and “THE TRUTH”, and THE LIFE. No one comes to the FATHER except through ME!”

A former President is quoted as saying, “Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face.”  The answer is as plain as the noses on our faces, but we believe the lies that are being sold to us by those whose only interests are in increasing the number of people who are blinded the same way they are, not being able to SEE the real reason we are sick is what we are being fed!  

This synopsis has a myriad of ways of being seen.  If you can SEE all of them, then you are aware of the problem.  If you still believe that one political party is good, and one political party is bad, then you still need to have the scales removed from your EYES!   My prayer is that you will SEE “THE TRUTH” and begin to look to HEAVEN ALONE “the answers for all the problems men face.”

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