Monday, May 11, 2020


Psalms 116:15                                             (ESV)

There are many people who would argue that Moses was a murderer and was disqualified from anything society claims as being good.  Moses “struck down” an Egyptian who was beating a Hebrew man.  Moses evidently felt the punishment was unjust, therefore he “struck down” the Egyptian and buried him in the sand. (Exodus chapter 2)

King David would be another.  As king of Israel, he committed adultery with Bathsheba then had her husband killed in a battle, all in an effort to cover his sin.  2 Samuel 12:15 says “And the LORD “afflicted” the child that URIAH's WIFE bore to David, and he became sick.”  The child conceived and born to King David would die, and according to Scripture, it was because the LORD afflicted the child!  

Isaiah 55:9 says “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are MY ways higher than your ways and MY thoughts than your thoughts.”  Don’t try to encapsulate our GOD by the standards that we want to see.  GOD “afflicted” the child of David that Uriah’s wife bore and the child died as a result.   We see death totally different than GOD SEES it.  Psalms 116:15 plainly states “PRECIOUS IN THE SIGHT OF THE LORD is the death of “HIS SAINTS”.”  

The characteristic that so often we undervalue is being one of “HIS SAINTS”!  We can commit unthinkable atrocities and still be used by GOD to Glorify HIS NAME!  Moses was used by GOD, King David was, and the Apostle Paul was.  While I have never caused another person to die, the sinfulness that JESUS died for in my life was just as bad!  GOD uses “HIS SAINTS”, even though we are not just imperfect, we are all from the bottom of the barrel!  Being named one of “HIS SAINTS” is the only thing in my life that gives me value.  The only thing that I am able to Glory in is that I have been CHOSEN to be one of “HIS SAINTS!”

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