Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Exodus 14:1-2                                   (ESV)
“1 Then the LORD said to Moses,
2 "Tell the people of Israel to turn back and encamp in front of Pi-hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea, in front of Baal-zephon; “YOU SHALL ENCAMP” facing it, by the sea.”

As recently made known, I have been an undiagnosed ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) patient most of my life.  Jumping from one project to another without completing the first was a staple in my life.  Furthermore, allowing GOD to use me was fine, but as long as HE moved in the time that I thought best.  I never considered that GOD wanted us to WAIT ON THE LORD (Psalms 27:14!)!!!

The Children of Israel were in the process of exiting Egypt, a country that had held them captive for 430 years!  They left in haste (Exodus 12:33) on the first Passover, with blood sprinkled over the doorways of the Israelites house’s. They were still traveling quickly when Moses was directed by ALMIGHTY GOD to turn around, go through a passage, and an ENCAMP next to the Red Sea.  All that hurrying and now the Israelites were ENCAMPED, waiting for further instructions from GOD!  

From experience, going from a life of haste to a life where you are forced into a standstill can cause problems!  The Children of Israel had left Egypt in a big hurry, but now they were sitting on the banks of the Red Sea with mountain ranges on either side of them.  Why had GOD directed them to turn around and go to this spot where they could become entrapped?  Moving with swiftness had turned into sitting on their proverbial thumbs with nothing to do.  

There can be no greater FAITH CHECK than to stop DOING and to WAIT ON THE LORD!  When HE says “YOU SHALL ENCAMP”, you have no choice but to do what it is you are told!  They couldn’t wander around.  They couldn’t go ahead, for the Red Sea was in front of them.  They couldn’t turn to the left or right because mountain ranges were on either side.  “YOU SHALL ENCAMP” was the only option they were given.  Their FAITH had to be in GOD, and HE said “YOU SHALL ENCAMP”!!!

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