Thursday, September 3, 2020


 Luke 10:38-42                                                      (ESV)

“38 Now as they went on their way, JESUS entered a village. And a woman named Martha welcomed HIM into her house.

39 And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the LORD’S feet and listened to HIS teaching.

40 But “MARTHA WAS DISTRACTED” with much serving. And she went up to HIM and said, "LORD, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me."

41 But the LORD answered her, "Martha, Martha, YOU ARE ANXIOUS AND TROUBLED ABOUT MANY THINGS,

42 but one thing is necessary. MARY HAS CHOSEN THE GOOD PORTION, which will not be taken away from her."”

“This world” is very good at a number of things.  One of those things is creating turmoil on one front while at the same time on another stage instigating a greater fiasco, most likely fueled by the followers of “the enemy”.  If satan can manage to stir our emotions about one sin, we can be guilty of allowing another sin to slide while fighting tooth and nail to stop something not as bad as the thing we are riled up about!  DECEPTION is a large tool in his arsenal!  

“MARTHA WAS DISTRACTED” by Mary not helping her prepare the meal for her guests.  Mary was feasting on the WORD being delivered by JESUS.  HE told Martha that MARY HAS CHOSEN THE GOOD PORTION, in other words, her priorities were in order.  Martha didn’t appreciate having to do all of the serving by herself as Mary was just listening to the MASTER speak.  She was seeing herself getting the short end of things, and she wanted Mary to help with her doings.

Could I be guilty of the same thing?  Do I compare my “burdens” with others?  Is their “rewards” seemingly greater than mine?  On the other hand, when I see people who have experienced brain injuries, do I feel guilty that they have not recovered as fully as I did from mine?  Might it be that DECEPTION is being used on me to cause me to focus on MY PROBLEMS rather than THE SOLUTION to any problems???

There is nothing that “the enemy” wont do to distort TRUTH!  When “MARTHA WAS DISTRACTED”, she was unable to SEE anything except her point of view.  

HEAVENLY FATHER, when my vision is on anything other than YOUR SON, cause me to SLOW DOWN and realize that my EYES have to remain on JESUS, not on my issues.  When “MARTHA WAS DISTRACTED”, her EYES were unable to SEE lessons from YOU!  My prayer is that I will not allow that in my life!  


The KJV of Luke 10:40 says “But Martha was CUMBERED about much serving, and came to him, and said, LORD, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me”.  The word CUMBERED is defined as “hamper or hinder (someone or something).”!  

The enemy”s character is to “hamper or hinder (someone or something).”   I had to add this to the post!

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