Monday, March 1, 2021


 John 19:28-30                             (ESV)

“28 After this, JESUS, knowing that all was now finished, said (to fulfill the Scripture), "I thirst."

29 A jar full of “SOUR WINE” stood there, so they put a sponge full of the “SOUR WINE” on a hyssop branch and held it to his mouth.

30 When JESUS had received the “SOUR WINE”, HE said, "It is finished," and HE bowed HIS head and gave up HIS SPIRIT.”

The crucifixion of JESUS was undoubtedly one of the most gruesome events in the history of mankind.  Unworthy of any punishment, HE received the WRATH OF GOD for THE CHOSEN OF GOD in order to allow us to enter eternal PEACE with HIM.  HIS final request before HE GAVE UP HIS SPIRIT was to say “I thirst”, and the Roman soldiers promptly gave HIM “SOUR WINE”!

Now I have never had a “taste” for any alcoholic beverages, but I would imagine that “SOUR WINE” would not be at the top of the menu my choices were being considered?  According to some who study Scripture, JESUS had just been brutally beaten almost beyond recognition.  It is said that HIS lungs could be seen grasping for air as HE hung hear death.  Mark 15:33 adds “And when the sixth hour (Noon) had come, THERE WAS DARKNESS OVER THE WHOLE LAND until the ninth hour (3 PM).”  For anyone whose EYES have been OPENED, the fact that THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD (John 9:5) was crucified and everything went dark is NO COINCIDENCE!  

From the beginning, “the enemy” has always attempted to color his lies with just enough TRUTH to make it seem that what he offers is what we need?  But anything LESS THAN that which GOD has spoken will NOT satisfy, nor get us by!  “SOUR WINE” wasn’t what was needed to quench the thirst of GOD IN THE FLESH on Calvary.  “SOUR WINE” would cause HIM to be even more thirsty!  Similarly, the substitutes Satan offers will NEVER satisfy the empty hole in our Soul, it can only be filled with the HOLY SPIRIT!  

When the PLAN OF GOD becomes our goal in life, we are satisfied with the happenings we face, no matter how egregious they seem.  “When JESUS had received the “SOUR WINE”, HE said, "It is finished," and HE bowed HIS head and gave up HIS SPIRIT.”  JESUS completed HIS mission and paid the sin debt that we were unable to pay!  We must recognize that sometimes we are given what seems to be “SOUR WINE”, but THE PLAN OF GOD is that which we should be concerned with!

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