Friday, June 4, 2021


 Luke 5:12-16                       (ESV)

[12] While HE was in one of the cities, there came a man full of leprosy. And when he saw JESUS, he fell on his face and begged HIM, “LORD, if YOU will, YOU can make me clean.” [13] And JESUS stretched out HIS hand and touched him, saying, “I will; be clean.” And immediately the leprosy left him. [14] And HE charged him to tell no one, but “go and show yourself to the priest, and make an offering for your cleansing, as Moses commanded, for a proof to them.” [15] But now even more the report about HIM went abroad, and great crowds gathered to hear HIM and to be healed of their infirmities. [16] But “HE WOULD WITHDRAW TO DESOLATE PLACES AND PRAY.”

JESUS had just performed a miraculous healing of a leper who saw JESUS do what no one else could do.  The “marketing” thing to do might have been to “make the most” of the situation and grow HIS following by healing others.  But JESUS “did not come” to build an earthly portfolio or kingdom.  HE came to provide THE PERFECT SACRIFICE for the sins of we who believe on HIS NAME!

When JESUS found HIMSELF nearing the opportunity to GLORIFY HIMSELF over the FATHER, “HE WOULD WITHDRAW TO DESOLATE PLACES AND PRAY”.  JESUS wasn’t in danger of succumbing to the temptation from “the enemy”, rather HE was setting an example for us to be aware of our surroundings and to refrain from self glorification.  

How many times have I wanted to revel in my victories when ALMIGHTY GOD gives me every breath I breathe (Isaiah 42:5)?  Our very existence is provided to GLORIFY HIS NAME, and we want to talk about what “we” have done?!? This is not a rebuke, more like a admission of guilt!  Why is it that I am so caught up in what “the enemy” is showing me instead of seeing TRUTH when it is revealed to me?

When JESUS was presented with temptation, as in Matthew 4, HE had just returned from 40 days of PRAYER and fasting.  HE was “prepared” for anything that “the enemy” threw at HIM.  Maybe “HE WOULD WITHDRAW TO DESOLATE PLACES AND PRAY” needs to be in my preparation plan and I can be ready for what lies ahead of me???

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