Wednesday, June 30, 2021


 Psalm 66:16-20                         (ESV)

    [16] Come and hear, all you who fear GOD,

        and I will tell what HE has done for my soul. 

    [17] I cried to HIM with my mouth,

        and high praise was on my tongue. 

    [18] If I had cherished iniquity in my heart,

        the LORD would not have listened. 

    [19] But truly “GOD HAS LISTENED”;

        HE has attended to the voice of my prayer.

    [20] Blessed be GOD,

        because HE has not rejected my prayer

        or removed HIS steadfast love from me!”

From time to time I am literally astounded how ALMIGHTY GOD answers me with such a soft and quiet voice!  “The enemy” tries to camouflage his evilness in every possible way, but in the end PEACE comes and squashes turmoil and is vanquished to irrelevance.  

My biggest problem is I want NOT ONLY to SEE “GOD HAS LISTENED” to my prayers, but I prefer GOD to act in my timeframe?!?  “HE has not rejected my prayer or removed HIS steadfast love from me”, rather HE is deepening my FAITH, much like HE did Abraham (Genesis 15)!  GOD did not produce Isaac immediately, Abraham had to wait YEARS until THE PROMISE was fulfilled.  Abraham had to grow through some trying times, BUT GOD IS FAITHFUL and HIS PROMISE was completed!!!

The thrill of a child being born overshadows the birthing pains a mother experiences.  The trials before THE PROMISE being fulfilled similarly are worth the waiting on THE LORD!  KNOWING that “GOD HAS LISTENED” to our prayers is the most fulfilling experience imaginable.  WAIT FOR IT, when “GOD HAS LISTENED” HE seldom disappoints!!!

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