Thursday, October 7, 2021


 Romans 3:5-8                    (ESV)

“[5] But if our unrighteousness serves to show the righteousness of GOD, what shall we say? That GOD is unrighteous to inflict wrath on us? (I SPEAK IN A HUMAN WAY.) [6] By no means! For then “HOW COULD GOD JUDGE THE WORLD?” [7] But if through my lie GOD’S TRUTH abounds to HIS GLORY, why am I still being condemned as a sinner? [8] And why not do evil that good may come?—as some people slanderously charge us with saying. Their condemnation is just.”

The entire book of Romans is a gift from GOD, sent to mold us into tools to be used to Glorify the NAME OF JESUS.  But the third chapter is especially great, and Romans 3:10-11 where Scripture says “as it is written: “None is righteous, NO, NOT ONE; no one understands; no one seeks for GOD.”  But time limitations cause me to focus today on “HOW COULD GOD JUDGE THE WORLD?”   

How does a GOD WHO is thought of as being so LOVING condemn those who fail to acknowledge HIM to eternal separation and damnation?  1 John 4:8 says “ANYONE who does not love does not know GOD, because GOD IS LOVE.”  But we ARE NOT GOD!  Being made “in HIS image” doesn’t qualify us as being HOLY enough to make decisions as GOD does.  Are your EYES OPEN to SEE what Paul meant when he wrote “I SPEAK IN A HUMAN WAY”???  GOD IS GOD and I am not!  

My grandchildren are LOVED beyond description.  There is very little that I will not do for them, if within my power.  But can you imagine letting them walk across an interstate highway simply because they wanted to?  BE NO MEANS!  I LOVE THEM TOO MUCH!  Even though they have to be told “no” to certain things, because they are LOVED they are kept from doing what is not wise for them to do.  As they grow in wisdom and grace, their EYES will be OPENED to SEE the dangers of operating outside of their current wisdom.  

“HOW COULD GOD JUDGE THE WORLD”, since HE IS LOVE?  There are some things that we will never while living in “this world”!  However, we can BELIEVE through FAITH that HE IS IN CONTROL of EVERYTHING and HE will one day exhibit that HE is not only LOVE, but HE is HOLY, HOLY, HOLY (Isaiah 6:3), something that we must make known to ALL!!!

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