Wednesday, October 20, 2021


 Isaiah 42:8                             (KJV)

“I AM THE LORD: that is MY name: and “MY GLORY I WILL NOT SHARE WITH ANOTHER”, neither MY praise to graven images.”

The words below are from a devotional written by HIS humble servant on January 16, 2015.  That year was monumental for me.  There were two granddaughters born into our family, and nothing else seems to be significant as grandchildren are the ultimate!  But when I began to reflect on what GOD was saying through AND TO me this particular morning, I am humbled to know how patient HE is with HIS child.

“”Today the world refuses to identify the enemy for who he really is.  YHWH is a just and righteous GOD and HE will share HIS glory with no other.  Isaiah 42:8 says "am the LORD: that is MY name: and “MY GLORY WILL I NOT GIVE TO ANOTHER”, neither MY praise to graven images."  We cannot allow any other god to be considered equal to I AM, GOD JEHOVAH.””

The temptation can be to allow ourselves to become “so busy” that we don’t have time for the things of GOD, our CREATOR and SUSTAINER.  When we are “deceived” into believing this lie, we are elevating ourselves to the throne of our lives, something we are NOT qualified to operate as!  “MY GLORY WILL I NOT GIVE TO ANOTHER”, especially the ones HE created to Glorify HIM.  Even as wonderful as my grandchildren are, they don’t compare to the JOY and PEACE that is ONLY available through JESUS!  When “MY GLORY WILL I NOT GIVE TO ANOTHER” is fully understood, it becomes extremely evident that HE ALONE is worthy to be praised!!!

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