Wednesday, December 15, 2021


Psalm 46:10-11                                (ESV)

    “[10] “BE STILL, AND KNOW” that I am GOD.

        I will be exalted among the nations,

        I will be exalted in the earth!” 

    [11] The LORD of hosts is with us;

        the GOD of Jacob is our fortress.“

This morning I was reading an article about hearing from our CREATOR when “the enemy”, the one who is against everything good, is so loud and so vocal in our lives?  “The natural” thing to do to address what is causing so much disruption in our lives, especially when it is LOUD disruption!  A paragraph from the article stated:

“Because we’re afraid to be alone with our own thoughts. WE’RE AFRAID OF QUIET AND SOLITUDE. We AVOID peaceful fellowship with our SAVIOR because we fear that we might not be good enough without all our “stuff.” We’re afraid of what GOD might say to us or ask us to do if we sit still long enough to hear HIM speak. We’re not quite sure how to handle the “sacred responsibility” of BEING STILL AND KNOWING THAT HE IS GOD (see Psalm 46:10).”

It could be easy for a man who has been BLESSED with life, especially through the journey I have been assigned, to accept whatever is presented to me?  But THE PEACE that ONLY comes through being in the PRESENCE OF GOD’S WILL is something that can NEVER be mistaken, nor improved upon.  

Several days ago I read on a social media site from a professor who shared “I struggle with sitting still”!  Now this is a professor who was recently employed at a public university, but admitted that he STRUGGLED WITH SITTING STILL!  There is NO SUBSTITUTE for KNOWING you are precisely where GOD has called you to be.  KNOWING you are where ALMIGHTY GOD can use you for HIS GLORY is something that cannot be matched!

To find ourselves in this place, we are instructed to “BE STILL, AND KNOW” that HE is GOD!  We aren’t required KNOW a lot about how things came the, nor about how how everything works, but to “BE STLL, AND KNOW” that HE is GOD and we are NOT!!!

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