Friday, December 17, 2021


 Luke 2:25-32 (ESV)

“[25] Now there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon, and this man was RIGHTEOUS and DEVOUT, waiting for the consolation of Israel, and THE HOLY SPIRIT WAS UPON HIM. [26] And it had been revealed to him by the HOLY SPIRIT that he would not see death before he had seen the LORD’s CHRIST. [27] And he came in the SPIRIT into the temple, and when the parents brought in the child JESUS, to do for HIM according to the custom of the Law, [28] he took HIM up in his arms and blessed GOD and said,

    [29] “LORD, now YOU are letting YOUR servant depart in peace,
        according to YOUR WORD; 
    [31] that YOU have prepared in the presence of all peoples, 
    [32] a light for revelation to the Gentiles,
        and for glory to YOUR people Israel.””

In general, most people are TOO BUSY to be able to SEE BLESSINGS from GOD even though we experience them daily! Isaiah 42:5
says rather plainly “Thus says GOD, the LORD,
WHO created the heavens and stretched them out, WHO spread out the earth and what comes from it, WHO GIVES BREATH TO THE PEOPLE ON IT and SPIRIT TO THOSE WHO WALK IN IT:”. Since our CREATOR “gives breath” daily to our wretched souls, why can’t we SEE the BLESSING it is to even be able to breathe???

We take SO MUCH for granted, that we are able to exists AT ALL! Were we able to sit down and plan out our lives before we were conceived in the womb? Simeon was a man whose reputation was that THE HOLY SPIRIT WAS UPON HIM. His life had been spent in waiting for the Messiah to appear before him. When JESUS was revealed to Simeon, he wasn’t introduced as the KING OF KINGS and LORD of LORDS, but Simeon KNEW WHO JESUS the CHRIST was! He KNEW!!!

Do I “make a big deal” about JESUS CHRIST living inside of my body? The CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSES, through HIS HOLY SPIRIT, abides within this wretched temple and I sometimes don’t edify HIM??? HE has brought me through SO MUCH that I should be shouting HIS PRAISES to a lost and dying world, but I mostly don’t want to make a scene???  

FATHER IN HEAVEN, cause me to constantly evaluate who and what I am because of the miracles YOU have performed in and through my life! May the WHOLE WORLD be aware that YOU are the reason that I am still here, “FOR MY EYES HAVE SEEN YOUR SALVATION”!!!

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