Tuesday, December 14, 2021


 Mark 1:9-13                           (ESV)

“[9] In those days JESUS came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. [10] And when HE came up out of the water, immediately HE saw the heavens being torn open and the SPIRIT descending on HIM like a dove. [11] And a VOICE came from heaven, “YOU are my beloved SON; with YOU I am well pleased.”

[12] The “SPIRIT IMMEDIATELY DROVE HIM OUT INTO THE WILDERNESS”. [13] And HE was in the wilderness forty days, being tempted by Satan. And HE was with the wild animals, and the angels were ministering to HIM.”

The epistle (letter) of John is rather plain in John 10:30 where JESUS says “I and the FATHER are ONE”!  Yet here in the book of Mark it is written how JESUS was baptized and “The SPIRIT IMMEDIATELY drove HIM out into the wilderness”.  Why do you think that JESUS “needed” to spend time with the FATHER when HE is GOD IN THE FLESH?  Surely ALMIGHTY GOD could have made the “connectivity” between so precise and complete that it would not require seemingly constant communication and updates?  

Could it be that we were CREATED to NOT BE able to function without an almost constant almost “indwelling” of our CREATOR?  A recent Bible Study left me with these tidbits:

“When JESUS was on this earth, HE was intentional about spending time with HIS FATHER.”

“I need to be alone with my GOD,  But being alone requires effort. Particularly in these days of smart phones and social media and second-by-second updates.”

JESUS had just came up out of the water from being Baptized, and the HOLY “SPIRIT IMMEDIATELY DROVE HIM OUT INTO THE WILDERNESS”!  HE didn’t require a guard, a sentry, or any other protection.  GOD sent HIS angels to protect HIM!  NOTHING IN HEAVEN NOR EARTH could have interfered with GOD accomplishing HIS Plan!!!

ALMIGHTY GOD is still ON HIS THRONE!  HE has not yielded any power or might!  So why do I get caught up in trying to “make things happen” when I feel is best?  GOD “made” everything happen AT THE PRECISE TIME for HIS REDEMPTIVE PLAN to unfold for a lost world!  HE doesn’t need my intervention to perfect what ONLY HE is going to do!  When the HOLY “SPIRIT IMMEDIATELY DROVE HIM OUT INTO THE WILDERNESS”, it allowed ever HIS PLAN to be fulfilled!!!

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