Wednesday, December 29, 2021


 John 1:1-3                        (ESV)

The WORD Became Flesh

“[1] In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with GOD, and the WORD was GOD. [2] “HE WAS IN THE BEGINNING WITH GOD”. [3] ALL THINGS were made through HIM, and without HIM was not any thing made that was made.”

The book of John in the Bible is one of, if not THE FAVORITE, books from my viewpoint!  Maybe it is because it contains the third chapter, or more beneficial to this Believer, the seventeenth chapter, but I continue to be CHANGED by its message.  Allowing GOD to fundamentally CHANGE yourself can be a humbling experience, but it is something that ONLY GOD can do!  We don’t have the desire within our “makeup” to become HOLY!  That has to come from GOD!

When under the direction of the HOLY SPIRIT John wrote “HE WAS IN THE BEGINNING WITH GOD”, John was saying, as JESUS did in John 10:30, “I and the FATHER ARE ONE.”  JESUS and THE FATHER have always been and forever WILL BE!  While we are all born of the flesh and demonstrate fleshly tendencies, when we are BORN OF THE SPIRIT we also exhibit SPIRITUAL TENDENCIES that we can not take credit for.  It is a GIFT from GOD (Ephesians 2:8)!  

JESUS is/was GOD IN THE FLESH, therefore HE was unable to sin!  HE was UNABLE to separate HIMSELF from righteousness, yet HE CHOSE to do so to provide our SALVATION!  HE made ALL THINGS, not just the GOOD people!  HE made the evil (Proverbs 16:4-5) and WILL judge them on THAT DAY!  HE also made we who acknowledge that HE IS GOD and has provided SALVATION for us, simply because we are CHOSEN!

There is NO credible explanation WHY HE would leave Heaven and suffer separation from HIS FATHER simply to provide salvation for me!  The only explanation is that HIS WORD, the HOLY BIBLE, says that HE LOVED us so much (John 14:21) that GOD sent HIM for the explicit purpose of redemption for those who HE CHOOSES!  “HE WAS IN THE BEGINNING WITH GOD” and because of HIS WORK we will spend eternity with THEM IN HEAVEN!!!

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