Saturday, December 18, 2021


 Isaiah 40:29-31                    (ESV)

    “[29] HE gives power to the faint,

        and to him who has no might HE increases strength. 

    [30] Even youths shall faint and be weary,

        and young men shall fall exhausted; 

    [31] but “THEY WHO WAIT FOR THE LORD” shall RENEW their strength;

        they shall mount up with WINGS LIKE EAGLES ;

    they shall run and NOT BE WEARY;

        they shall walk and NOT FAINT.”

Isaiah 40:31 was made known to me when I was a child, but only this morning did the HOLY SPIRIT reveal to me the WORDs “THEY WHO WAIT FOR THE LORD” shall RENEW their strength!  The book of Isaiah was written almost 3,000 years ago, but these words are apart of GOD’S WORD, which means that they don’t lose their impact nor efficacy.  “This world” doesn’t have the capability to HEAR from THE WORD as GOD ALMIGHTY 

We MUST be willing to become “THEY WHO WAIT FOR THE LORD” to HEAR what HE is trying to tell us, not expecting HIM impart knowledge to we who won’t even take the time to listen for HIM!  This is THE LORD, CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSES, and HIS interest is to see us grow into vessels that GLORIFY HIS NAME!   “THEY WHO WAIT FOR THE LORD” might be avoiding serious pitfalls they were headed for???

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