Tuesday, August 23, 2022


 Proverbs 3:5-6                    (ESV)

    “[5] Trust in the LORD with all your heart,


    [6] In all your ways acknowledge HIM,

        and HE will make straight your paths.”

“BE STILL” (Psalms 46:10) can also be translated “LET GO”, as I have shared often over the past few years.  Recognizing and realizing that is something that can be missed by our worldly vision!!  Recently I was “pressed for time” as my wife had a funeral she wanted to attend and I needed to be in our insurance office.  My “prayer time” was cut into and I tried operating on minimal time with OUR CREATOR.  Definitely, I was NOT BEING STILL nor LETTING GO, rather doing everything I could to get to the office.  

The Brain Hemorrhage 15 years ago had affected a major impact in my life.   The assumed changes might be physical, as we NEED cognitive abilities to operate our bodies in a healthy environment.  Me SLOWING DOWN my life has OPENED my EYES to SEE what was previously ignored (or undetected!) when I was TOO BUSY to seek GOD’s guidance.  The “hurriedness” I placed on myself in the days mentioned above caused me to SEE that what I choose to do with the seemingly “small things” in my life could make me “miss” hearing from my CREATOR!  

Doing what we think, and possibly even believe, is the correct thing to do might be something that seems right to “this world”, but isn’t where GOD would have us be!  We are DOOMED if we trust our own instincts when making decisions about the direction we take.  Unless we SLOW DOWN and “DO NOT LEAN ON YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING”, we might not be able to hear that “still, small voice” (1 Kings 19:13 KJV) from our CREATOR???

Time invested in quiet meditation with JESUS is never wasted time!  We MUST recognize that we “DO NOT LEAN ON YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING” if we want to accomplish HIS PLAN for our lives!  Surrendering to HIS PLAN is FAR BETTER than ours!!!  “DO NOT LEAN ON YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING!!!”

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