Tuesday, August 16, 2022


 Ephesians 6:16-20                         (ESV)

“[16] IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES take up the shield of FAITH, with which YOU CAN EXTINGUISH ALL THE FLAMING DARTS OF THE EVIL ONE; [17] and take the HELMET OF SALVATION, and the SWORD OF THE SPIRIT, “WHICH IS THE WORD OF GOD”, [18] praying at ALL TIMES in the SPIRIT, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, KEEP ALERT with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints, [19] and also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly TO PROCLAIM THE MYSTERY OF THE GOSPEL, [20] for which I am an ambassador in chains, that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak.”

How many times do we want to HEAR from GOD ALMIGHTY “without” opening that “WHICH IS THE WORD OF GOD”, the HOLY BIBLE?  From experience, GOD is ABLE to speak to us even when we are listening to or for HIM, but we probably don’t want to reach that extreme!  We are instructed in MANY WAYS to SEEK to find HIM in ALL SITUATIONS!  But the tendency on my part is to “wallow in self pity” and reject hearing from THE CREATOR what HE might be trying to TEACH me!

When we are searching for an ANSWER from ABOVE, our immediate default should be to look at SCRIPTURE, “WHICH IS THE WORD OF GOD”!  Books and Hymns can speak to us, but the “…SWORD OF THE SPIRIT, “WHICH IS THE WORD OF GOD” is written by THE ONE WHO spoke these worlds into existence!  Why do we seek answers anywhere else???

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