Monday, August 22, 2022


 Psalm 17:6-7                         (ESV)

    “[6] I call upon YOU, for YOU will answer me, O GOD;

        incline YOUR ear to me; hear my words. 

    [7] Wondrously show YOUR steadfast love,

        O SAVIOR of those “WHO SEEK REFUGE”

        from their adversaries at YOUR right hand.”

There are times when I am “tired and worn out” when I get a glimpse of who I REALLY am!  Being REMINDED of the Brain Hemorrhage is something that I try to recall with humility as I am UNDERSTANDING more and more that it was GOD ALONE WHO delivered me from the “valley of the shadow of death”!!!

Saturday was the 62nd anniversary of my birthday!  The day was spent with my youngest son watching a professional football game.  Yes, the team we were rooting for won, but spending time solely with a gift ALMIGHTY GOD blessed me with many years prior was wonderful!  We spoke about the morning when my brain developed a leak and my EYES were OPENED to SEE that even though he did everything he could, he could not prevent what was about to happen anymore than I could!!!

Why do we SEEK TO DO anything more than what ALMIGHTY GOD has CALLED us to accomplish FOR HIS GLORY?  When we become those “WHO SEEK REFUGE”, we seem to realize that we are unable to DO IT ON OUR OWN!  GOD even supplies the oxygen required for our next breath (Isaiah 42:5)!  We can do NOTHING outside of HIS GRACE and MERCY!  Even for our failures and shortcomings we have to have AIR to breathe!!!

From time to time I am led to understand that I am one “WHO SEEKS REFUGE” more than others because I SEE that the SPIRIT of THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSES is living inside of me!  Whenever I am traveling a path of my own the end might be running away from HIS direction?  I NEED to be a servant “WHO SEEKS REFUGE” from the ONE WHO SPOKE THESE WORLDS INTO EXISTENCE, not anything less!!!

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