Tuesday, March 21, 2023


 Mark 8:34-35                       (ESV)

“[34] And calling the crowd to HIM with HIS disciples, HE said to them, “If anyone would come after ME, LET HIM DENY HIMSELF and take up his cross and follow ME. [35] For whoever would save his life will lose it, BUT WHOEVER LOSES HIS LIFE “FOR MY SAKE” and the gospel’s will save it.”

Having traveled “the road assigned” to me has been remarkable!  Having married PRECISELY who our CREATOR “chose” for me and HIM should be the primary reason for acknowledging HIS OMNIPOTENCY, but surrendering to HIS HEAVENLY POWER is something that occurs everyday that HE permits me to inhale another BREATH of HIS air (Isaiah 42:5)!  

In reality, NONE of us have the wherewithal to navigate through ”this world” on our own.  It is quite understandable to become so “successful” that we are tricked into believing that we are “in charge” of our destiny, but “the road assigned” to me has revealed to me how much our plans  can be changed.  

Surrendering THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSES isn’t as simple as say buying something new (a new car) and showing it off to our friends!  When I was placed into the drug-induced coma in 2007 to my recollection I wasn’t consulted by anyone?  I was just given the medicine required to calm me down for 17 days!  When I was brought out of the coma I was RADICALLY changed by something or SOMEONE far above my comprehension.  

Did I FULLY understand then what had occurred in my brain when I was brought out of the coma?  Do I FULLY understand today what occurred inside of my head?  ABSOLUTELY NOT!  But I do better understand that the ONE WHO IS IN CONTROL is ABLE to execute HIS PLAN for our lives???  From where HE has brought me, I am FULLY ready to accept HIS PLAN for my life and submit to whatever is “FOR MY SAKE” for my future!!!

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