Saturday, March 4, 2023


 1 John 2:15-17                           (ESV)

Do Not Love “THE WORLD”

“[15] Do not love “THE WORLD” or the things in “THE WORLD”. If anyone loves “THE WORLD”, THE LOVE of the FATHER is not in him. [16] For all that is in “THE WORLD”—the DESIRES OF THE FLESH and the DESIRES OF THE EYES and PRIDE OF LIFE—is NOT from the FATHER but is from “THE WORLD”. [17] And “THE WORLD” IS PASSING AWAY ALONG WITH ITS DESIRES, but whoever does the will of GOD ABIDES FOREVER.”

What am I “focused” on in my life?  What “dominates” my thought patterns and processes?  Pastor John MacArthur has said “The more you focus on yourself, the more distracted you will be from THE PROPER PATH. The more you know Him AND commune with Him, the more the Spirit will MAKE YOU like Him. The more you are like Him, the better you will understand His utter sufficiency for all of life’s difficulties. And that is THE ONLY WAY to know real satisfaction.”   

When we find ourselves “focused” on the things of “THE WORLD” we might be more consumed with the wrong things?  Being “comfortable with” the things of “THE WORLD” should never be our goal, for we are only here for “a shadow, and there is no abiding” (1 Chronicles 29:15) and THEN we WILL BE CALLED HOME!

The Scripture says in the verses above “Do not love “THE WORLD”! My life has certainly not been an example by which others should pattern their lives!  So why would I try to leave a legacy of being “comfortable” and “complacency” from living in “THE WORLD” where I am simply a sojourner???

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