Thursday, March 16, 2023


Romans 10:17                      (ESV)

“[17] So FAITH comes from hearing, and hearing THROUGH “THE WORD OF CHRIST!”

Psalm 119:160

    [160] The sum of “YOUR WORD” is TRUTH,

        and every one of YOUR RIGHTEOUS RULES endures forever.”

Do you ever find yourself desiring to “grow in the FAITH”?  Scripture plainly states in the verses above that hearing “THE WORD OF CHRIST” brings forth FAITH!  

“YOUR WORD” doesn’t change to fit the times, it “endures FOREVER”!  Humanity needs to accept that THE ANSWER to the intricacies of “this world” is spending more time allowing “THE WORD OF CHRIST” to mold us into the vessels we are CREATED for……by our CREATOR!!!

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