Monday, April 15, 2024



1 John 4:4-6                        (ESV)

“[4] Little children, YOU ARE FROM GOD and have overcome them, for HE WHO is in you is greater than he who is in the world. [5] They are from the world; therefore they speak from the world, and the world listens to them. [6] We are from GOD. Whoever KNOWS GOD listens to us; whoever is not from GOD does not listen to us. By this we KNOW “THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH” and the spirit of error.”

Have you ever pondered precisely who you are and where you came from?  This weekend I attended a family reunion of sorts and I was reunited with some family and friends, some of whom I hadn’t seen for almost sixty years!  Being around unfamiliar people can be awkward, especially when you don’t KNOW who they are and how you are connected to them???

KNOWING “THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH” is NOT something that we can achieve without THE GRACE OF GOD.  Ephesians 1:4 says very distinctly that “…HE CHOSE us in HIM before the foundation of the world”!!  So LONG before I was CREATED BY GOD, HE CHOSE me to be an instrument for HIS GLORY!  Others may not HEAR from GOD??   They are TOO BUSY listening to the things in “this world”, 

There are those that are able to SEE “THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH”, not because we are better than others, but simply because we are CHOSEN by our CREATOR!  Those who listen to the things of “this world” can’t grasp what they are missing because they are blind to TRUTH!!!  They cannot SEE what they are missing because their EYES have not been OPENED……..yet?!?!

“THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH” is present in “this world,, but those whose EYES have yet to be OPENED and whose EARS are unable to HEAR CANNOT recognize HIM?  Although I am a member of an earthly family, PRAISE GOD that I am CHOSEN and I KNOW HIM, and will follow “THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH”!!!

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