Wednesday, April 17, 2024



2 Corinthians 5:7                      (ESV)

“[7] for “WE WALK BY FAITH”, not by sight.”

Very simply this morning, the WE that the Apostle Paul is writing about is those who BELIEVE that JESUS is GOD IN THE FLESH!  

The WALK tells me especially to not run, as this servant lived most of my life prior to July 09, 2007!  GOD is able to do “far more abundantly” (Ephesians 3:20) than we can imagine, so don’t be “tricked” by the lies and deception of the enemy!  

BY FAITH is precisely what it says in the following part of this verse, NOT BY SIGHT!  If we are WALKING BY FAITH, do our tendencies display this???

Those who AREN’T CHOSEN tend to operate by what they “see” as reality?  WE (BELIEVERS), have to operate by a different operational system than those who operate by sight.  WE MUST OPERATE by FAITH!  Hebrews 11:1 says “Now FAITH is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things NOT SEEN.”  

Unless “WE (BELIEVERS) WALK BY FAITH”, we exhibit the same characteristics of “this world”!  WHO we are following should be identified by how we are walking!!!  “WE WALK BY FAITH”!!!

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