Monday, September 9, 2024


 Proverbs 3:5-6                    (ESV)

   “[5] TRUST IN THE LORD with all your heart,


    [6] In all your ways acknowledge HIM ,

        and HE will make straight your paths.”

So many times I find myself in a rush for a decision, and almost inevitably the timing is at a critical moment in my life!  Relying on what “I believe” is the correct answer for my future might be the most critical decision I could make, and that is usually when “the enemy” BLOCKS me from HEARING from my CREATOR?  Usually the biggest problem is I am not TRUSTING IN THE LORD, but I tend to LEAN ON MY UNDERSTANDING to do what is right???

Making excuses about what is the CORRECT thing to do can be PRECISELY what GOD is trying to teach me. Had I been consulted regarding my condition in July 2007, I probably would have “pulled the plug” after about a week in the coma?  BUT GOD HAD A PLAN that entailed me SLOWING DOWN, so HE left me in a coma for SEVENTEEN DAYS!  SEVENTEEN YEARS later I am eternally changed, operating more closely to HIS TIMEFRAME!!

There are “somethings” that I have to EXPERIENCE to fully comprehend what GOD is trying to teach me???  “DO NOT LEAN ON YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING” is not a suggestion to me, it is a COMMAND!!!  It might be an uncomfortable position, but I have to understand that TRUE HEALING takes more time than what this novice understands!!  I MUST have the premise of “DO NOT LEAN ON YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING” engrained in my mind to avoid allowing “the enemy” to control my actions!!!

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