Sunday, September 8, 2024


Proverbs 4:20-27                    (ESV)

   “[20] My son, be attentive to “MY WORDS”;

        incline your ear to MY sayings. 

    [21] Let them not escape from your sight;


    [22] For THEY ARE LIFE to those who find them,

        and healing to all their flesh. 

    [23] Keep your heart with all vigilance,

        for from it flow the springs of life. 

    [24] Put away from you crooked speech,

        and put devious talk far from you. 

    [25] Let your eyes look DIRECTLY FORWARD,

        and your gaze be straight before you. 

    [26] PONDER the path of your feet;

        then all your ways will be sure. 

    [27] Do not swerve to the right or to the left;


As I “ponder” the path that I have taken in my life, I am left almost bewildered by how vile and disgusting of my oftentimes behavior.  The “choices” in my life were not always the ones that I am proud of, nor the results of those choices!  Yet I have been BLESSED with a wife and children/grandchildren who make decisions that draw honor and glory to our CREATOR!

Our behavior is not always what we are proud of.  As a matter of fact, the “choices” I made have often caused me to regret my decisions to travel the journey I have traveled.  But ALMIGHTY GOD takes those “choices” to manifest HIS SOVEREIGNTY and deliver me FOR HIS GLORY!  

One thing that I need to have etched into my heart is to be more attentive to “MY WORDS”; incline your ear to MY sayings”!  ALMIGHTY GOD desires for us to look DIRECTLY FORWARD and to avoid some of the things that will harm us.  “MY WORDS” may lead us into turmoil, but HE WILL DELIVER us through and ALL of the GLORY will belong to HIM!!!

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