Wednesday, September 11, 2024


 Proverbs 16:9                    (ESV)

   “The heart of man plans his way,


In talking with a dear friend recently, we were speaking about the “turmoil” that his family has experienced this year.  He and his wife have had a period of time where NOTHING seemed to go right!  

But a LOT of times that is the case for humanity!  Another translation of the BIBLE says “We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps”!! ALMIGHTY GOD must have a way of recording what “we plan” versus what and how HIS PLAN plays out???  

On July 09, 2007 my mind was only beginning to be ILLUMINATED to SEE how much I was missing the MARK!  The events of the next few years OPENED my EYES to the FULLNESS of HIS GRACE in a WAY HE can only be credited with!!!  I could never have imagined how things have transpired.  BUT GOD!!!

We make “our plans”, but very often GOD has to adjust our schedules to “fit” HIS PLAN!! We need to come to grips with the fact that “THE LORD ESTABLISHES HIS STEPS”, we only get to walk the PATH HE designed for us!!!

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