Monday, September 16, 2024


 Mark 7:5-8                    (ESV)

“[5] And the PHARISEES and the SCRIBES asked HIM (JESUS), “Why do YOUR disciples not walk according to the “TRADITION OF THE ELDERS”, but eat with defiled hands?” [6] And HE said to them, “Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written, 

    “‘This people honors ME with their lips,

        but their heart is far from ME; 

    [7] in vain do they worship ME,

        teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’

    [8] You leave the commandment of GOD and hold to the tradition of men.””

How many times do I hold the “TRADITION OF THE ELDERS” in front of what THE WORD (John 1:1) instructs me to do???

We need to SLOW DOWN and spend more instructional time in THE WORD and NOT be so concerned with the “TRADITION OF THE ELDERS”!!!

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