Monday, September 10, 2012

Intensive Care Unit!

While sitting in church yesterday I was convicted about how MY life was being bettered by attending the body to which I belong.  Church is not a place to socialize with people you like.  Church is a hospital for people who  "realize" their need of a Saviour and Redeemer.  Sometimes, folks don't know that they are even sick until it is too late.   Whether it is  ICU, Progressive Care or general care.  We all need HIM...and for HIM to minister to us!

In 2007 I was in ICU for 20 days, and in a medically induced COMA much of that time!   I was SICK....almost died!  My doctors records indicate "However, he has had a remarkable recovery that can only be defined as a miracle from God!"  Sometimes, I am in a spiritual  "ICU" to let GOD heal me.  I find that I have to be in a spiritual "COMA" to stay out of God's way and let HIM work!  HE doesn't desire, or need, me to help him!  I pray HE "molds me and make me" to what HIS desire for my life is!  

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